Ako još niste vježbali s nama a voljeli bi, dođite na željeni sat desetak minuta ranije. Prostirke za vježbanje su na raspolaganju u studiju. Nije potrebna najava. Naša nova adresa je Pavla Hatza 10, DHARMA and PinkElephant studio.
Simply understanding that our first and last action in this world is inhalation and exhalation clearly shows that there is no life without breath, at least not as we know it. This simple fact clearly shows how the breath, this hidden primordial movement, is intimately connected with all segments of our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Yet, there are very few moments during the day when we breathe consciously when we pause for a moment and observe our breath. There are even fewer moments when we train the breath or use the knowledge of the breath to change respiratory rate and improve the current psycho-physical condition.
In ancient traditions, breathing has always been known for holding an important key that opens the door to more subtle levels of existence. Today, science is increasingly entering the same door, and the yogic tradition is making an outstanding contribution to a new view on the notion of health and the general nature of human existence.
Pranayama Intensive is designed to introduce practitioners and yoga teachers to detailed and structured practice and theory on Pranayama, Kriya, Bandha, and Mudra.
It consists of three modules covering a syllabus listed below and seven online pranayama classes obligatory for those who want certification. Online classes are scheduled on Mondays from 20.00 - 21.00 CET.
Module 1. 15/16 July 2023
Module 2. 23/24 September 2023
Module 3. 21/22 October 2023
Teachings are rooted in the tradition of the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, led by O.P. Tiwari, one of the world's leading authorities in Pranayama and direct disciple of the late Swami Kuvalayananda, founder of Kaivalyadhama, the world's pioneer institute in scientific research in yoga.
1. The evolution of pranayama practice from the Vedic times to the present day
This topic deals with the evolution of practice through the various historical periods represented in the ancient yogic scriptures, primarily the Patanjali Yoga Sutra, the Hatha Pradipika, and the Gheranda Samhita. These texts systematically describe the practice of pranayama, and the emphasis will be on understanding the similarities and differences in individual time stages and philosophical systems. This type of presentation serves students to implement the understanding of the traditional practice and get to know sources that thus become a reference point for further research in this direction.
This section will be an essential topic for the first module.
2. Applied anatomy of the respiratory, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems in the context of pranayama
Pranayama breathing is a complex voluntary action that requires conscious manipulation of the breath in which the respiratory organs and respiratory structures expand voluntarily and rhythmically. Breathing itself occurs at the level of the internal organs, just like the heartbeat. Still, unlike the heartbeat, it involves the entire muscle and bone tissue network and cannot be separated from them.
The goal of this practice is to put the autonomic nervous system under control. Therefore, this voluntary act of breathing is associated with the mind and an apparent connection between the activity of the breath and the movement of the mind. Pranayama thus becomes a bridge between physical existence and mental activity.
In the first two modules, we will mainly explore the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems, while in the third module, the nervous system.
3. Components and mechanisms of pranayama practice
Unlike other breathing techniques, each round of pranayama consists of three stages: puraka, kumbhaka and rechaka. They can be simplified as yogic inhale/hold/exhale but are very different from ordinary breath. They are prolonged and performed with full attention and control at each stage, supported by neuro-muscular locks or bandhas.
Unlike deep breathing, traditional pranayama emphasizes the kumbhaka and rechaka phase, which increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. Such concentration stimulates various psycho-neuro-endocrine mechanisms responsible for the mental and emotional functions of the brain. That's why it is essential to gradually and patiently build up a personal practice, under the guidance of an experienced teacher, to avoid any irregularities in performing this highly delicate yogic discipline.
This topic is essential for all three modules. We will gradually increase our understanding of different mechanisms of pranayama practice.
4. Theory and practice of Shatkriyas and other preparatory techniques for pranayama practice
It is crucial for any yoga practitioner who reflects more profoundly on saving energy and starts creating storage of prana in the system to regularly practice kriyas. Meaning taking extra care of the drainage of waste material in our body.
Traditionally speaking, the function of Shatkriyas is to purify the body of impurities so that the practice of pranayama can be effectively performed. From a scientific perspective, they are processes meant to influence functional patterns of various systems in our body to restore inner homeostatic balance. Bodily mechanisms of getting rid of impurities, represented in waste products created during regular operation in physical activities, are those we want to consider more closely in connection with different preparatory practices.
Other preparatory techniques taught in this course involve specific mudras, bandhas, and dristhis. Together with Shatkriyas, they represent progressive methods essential in preparing the system for practices to come.
We will explore them in all three modules, gradually adding different ones to the preparation part of the practice.
5. Energy anatomy in the context of pranayama practice
Pranayama changes our breathing patterns which have a tremendous vital value for the whole organism. It also opens up the door of perception for all life functions, not only those happening on the bodily level but also those happening on other levels of our existence. We will go a step deeper and try to understand the more detailed functionality of the energy body, how and in which way it behaves during pranayama practice, and what its connection is with the more subtle layers of our existence, specifically our physical and mental body.
We will explore this topic more in the second and third modules.
6. Physiological and meditative values of pranayama practice
Suppose we define health as the harmonious functioning of different systems in the body. In that case, we can observe the value of pranayama practice through other mechanisms controlling and regulating life processes and maintaining homeostatic balance. It is a well-known fact that the practice of pranayama has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system, but what are the mechanisms of other systems in the body that support the work of the nervous system? This topic will present a cross-section of their relationship to understand further how this practice contributes to our physiological health.
We can view the meditative values in the context of the traditional function of pranayama practice, which is the preparation for the higher limbs of yoga. Patanjali describes it as a practice purifying our perception and thus preparing one for Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.
This topic comes in the second and third modules.
7. How to teach the basics of pranayama and integrate those practices with other methods of yoga
What makes yoga so actual and appropriate for modern times practitioners? Position or a role it puts you in, the one of an "observer". Only such a role contributes to becoming aware of all actions taking place on subtle levels of existence. Pranayama performs precisely this task, which makes it an ideal tool for developing stability in the process of observation and becoming one with our objects of perception. If the object of perception is our physical body, we can better "hear" and know how to approach it at any given moment of our life.
With all the complexity of teaching traditional pranayama, requiring years of education and practice, the basic principles of teaching this method are natural, simple, safe, and, most importantly, extremely useful for practitioners. The second and third modules will focus on how to approach this task, whether it is your personal practice or a teaching vocation.
8:30 - 11.00 CET - Morning Practice
12:00 - 15:00 CET - Afternoon Lectures
Upon completion participants will receive:
1. CERTIFICATION for the 40-hour Pranayama Intensive Educational Program of Pink Elephant Yoga Institute, registered by European Yoga Federation and recognized by the World Movement for Yoga and Ayurveda. (certification will be received for those finishing all three modules)
3. PERSONAL Pranayama practice program structured specifically for your needs
Pranayama Intensive will be held in English. It is necessary to attend modules in order. Recordings will be available until the last module isn't finished. Please come to the morning part with an empty stomach. Otherwise, practices can not be effectively performed. Please prepare a cushion, warm clothes or blanket and a notebook to write down details of lectures.
One Module education
(1-weekend program) 150 euro
Two Modules education
(2 weekends program) 250 euro
Three Modules - Full education
(3 weekends + 7 free online classes) 300 eur
* 20% discount for 300-hour and 600-hour students of Pink Elephant Yoga Institute
* if you are currently facing financial challenges, feel free to inform us about it, and we will do our best to assist you
You can reserve your place by writing at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Payments can be made to the account:
IBAN: HR8124020061100748459
ROZI SLON d.o.o.
Gunduliceva 63
10000 Zagreb
indication: pranayama intensive + name and surname of the student
Petra awakened her love for the practice of Pranayama as a child through her mother Suzana Friganović, who has been teaching breathing techniques since the early 1990s. In search of a teacher who will purposefully provide her with knowledge of this delicate yogic discipline, in 2012, she met O.P.Tiwariji, an old-caliber teacher of Indian yogis and one of the world's leading authorities in Pranayama. Since then, she has been deeply committed to this practice by yearly going to Kaivalyadhama Institute in India, a pioneer Institute in scientific research in Yoga.
There, in 2015, she completed the extensive TTC program for a pranayama teacher and is currently a three-year advanced TTC student under the guidance of O.P. Tiwari and his son Sudhir Tiwari. They give her great support in personal pranayama practice as well as in teaching and supporting others.
In addition to Pranayama, she is a sociologist by profession, dedicated to the Ashtanga system, loves yoga philosophy, and teaches Patanjali Yoga Sutra chanting. Together with her husband Marco, she runs Pink Elephant Yoga House, an eminent yoga school in Zagreb, and is a co-creator and director of PEYI TTC educational programs for yoga teachers in Zagreb and Rijeka.
Vježbajte i učite Ashtanga jogu
Praksa/Filozofija/Subtilna anatomija
Nedjelja 28.01.2024
10.00 - 13.30
Astanga Yoga Studio Rijeka, Vatroslava Lisinskog 8/II, Rijeka
S obzirom na to da je joga tisućljetna tradicija, praksa Ashtanga Vinyasa joge, predstavljena svijetu '60-ih, prilično je mlada.
U posljednja dva desetljeća postala je vrlo popularna zbog dinamičnog pristupa vježbanju koji može podsjećati na gimnastičke ili fitness vježbe.
Jedan od učinaka ove prakse je zasigurno jačanje tijela, forme i održavanje psiho-fizičkog zdravlja te sama praksa daje izvanredne rezultate na terapijskom planu rada s tijelom i živčanim sustavom.
Razumno je da su mnogi vježbači više nego zadovoljni spomenutim učincima i ne osjećaju potrebu istražiti dublji sloj prakse.
Taj sloj predstavlja samu esenciju Ashtanga joge i povezan je s tisućljetnom pragmatičnom filozofijom koja se jednako tako dešava na matu kao i fizička komponenta prakse al često ostaje nevidljiva i nedostupna vježbačima koji nisu imali priliku iskusiti dublji rad s dahom i osvještenjem mentalnih obrazaca u samoj praksi. Tražiti i dublje sagledati praksu znači otkriti temeljnu ulogu daha i životne sile tj. prane. Zadržati dah kao temelj vježbe, ili pustiti da dah vodi vježbu, nije lako. Zahtijeva vrijeme, predanost, strpljenje i ... praksu.
Zapravo vrlo često, zadivljeni izazovom i ljepotom asana, mnogi ljudi zaborave da je Ashtanga joga zasnovana na dahu, izgrađena na dahu i posvećena dahu.
Dah postaje sredstvo “susreta s umom” i jedini put koji trajno mijenja način na koji um obično operira. S druge strane dah otvara vrata percepcije o pravilnom protoku životne energije/prane i time bandhe postaju opipljiv aspekt prakse, iznimno važan za cjeloviti pristup Ashtanga jogi.
Pragmatična filozofija Ashtanga joge temelji se na djelu velikog mudraca Patanjalija koji govori o praktičnoj disciplini koja nas uči kako ne dopustiti umu da upravlja nama kao svojevrsni program kojeg prvenstveno treba osvjestiti kako bi se joga uopće desila.
Po Patanjaliju postoje dva alata za oslobođenje od programa uma: praksa i nevezanost.
Praksa, opisana od Patanjalija kao otpuštanje uobičajene tendenciju uma za nemirom, i nevezanost, kao izravna posljedica takve prakse.
Ovom majstorskom tečaju pristupamo upravo s ovim ciljem, kako učinkovito locirati krute automatizme u praksi, stvoriti nedogmatičan, inkluzivan i kreativan prostor otvoren za osobno istraživanje i “živa” iskustva dubljeg sloja prakse.
Masterclass je primjeren za sve nivoe vježbača, joga učitelje i one koji to žele postati. Nije isključivo stvoren za Ashtanga joga praktikante već za sve vježbače dinamičkih i statičnih pristupa jogi.
Cijena Masterclassa je promotivna i iznosi 30€
Za sva dodatna pitanja i prijave slobodno se javite porukom u inbox ili direktno na broj 0955959115 (Tamara)
Shakti Mantra meditation is the traditional Vedic form of meditation passed from a teacher to a student through an ancient lineage of yogic masters for thousands of years. This meditation came to our times in its pure and untouched form. Today, it is an evidence-based technique, an enjoyable life tool anyone can easily master.
Through a lineage of many great masters and yogis, the knowledge was passed on to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who developed the world movement of Transcendental Meditation. Through him, the knowledge came to our teacher Ananda Vdovic, a well-known spiritual master, singer, and artist who has taught meditation around the world to thousands of people. Marco and Petra received training from her, and since then, they have been sharing the knowledge of Shakti Mantra meditation. Our mission is to support your personal growth in a non-dogmatic way - through direct personal experience guiding you to embrace your fullest potential.
Through an ancient Vedic ceremony, every participant will receive their own personal sacred sound or mantra and will learn to meditate with it. Mantra is a sacred sound of power that can bring us deep into our inmost being. Meditating with the mantra internally draws the mind into the blissful silence of our true essence, leading us to states of deep transcendence and inner harmony.
It is a very powerful tool that has a beautiful, life-changing effect on every person and can bring a positive change in life within just a short time of regular practice. The most evident effect of this traditional technique is the release of stress and its substitution with joy, energy, clarity, creativity, and a long-term change in every aspect of one's life. Pre-knowledge is not required, and the entire process of learning is very simple as meditation itself. This meditation requires no concentration or effort – it is easy to master and highly effective.
Our entire experience of life is colored through the filter of the mind. The mind can be compared to the ocean. On the surface, there are ripples of thoughts. In the depths, there is a quiet, unconscious mind that stores stresses and impressions.
According to science, these stresses or memories automatically run most of our behavior. And also lead us to unpleasant emotions like anger, sorrow, fear, depression, etc. Stress is just an impurity of the mind.
On the bottom of the ocean is your real nature, the Self, Absolute, Infinity, Being (Plato), Kingdom of Heaven (Christ), Brahman, Atman, Tao (Chinese), Nirvana (Buddha), unchanging, perfect and divine part of you, that is full of energy, peace, intelligence, creativity, enthusiasm, bliss, and love. People search for joy outside, but their Self is the source of all joy.
In Shakti meditation we use the power of mantra to take us to the Self, dive in, get in touch, experience a state of eternal bliss and happiness, and then naturally remove some stresses. When your mind is pure, you start manifesting the qualities of the Self. Your intelligence, focus, and inner talents develop, thinking becomes clear, addictions disappear, intuition grows, health improves, etc.
Shakti meditation is not a set of beliefs, a philosophy, or a religion. It’s a scientific way to manifest your fullest physical, mental, and spiritual potential.
Recent scientific studies have proved the effect of meditation on the human organism. It has been noticed that during the meditative state, the brain releases a pattern of brainwaves that is unknown in every other human activity. This particular combination of waves is the cause of the positive response of the organism, which releases important hormones like serotonin responsible for a whole state of well-being. This study is significant because it states that meditation can also be seen apart from any mystical context, even if modern science just confirms what was already present in the ancient Vedic times.
If you want to know more about evidence-based studies on meditation, please check this link:
13 / 14 May 2023
free intro online talk on 4th of May at 20.30 CET
The course is taught live & online in 3 sessions within two days. The live course is happening in DharmaPINK studio, Pavla Hatza 10, Zagreb. It is important to follow live sessions in person or online through the Zoom application.
The intro talk is organized for you to know us better, ask questions or feel if this is the right course for you. If you would like to join, please send an email, and we will come back to you with a zoom link.
Saturday 13.5.2023
14.00 - 17.30 CET - Session 1
Sunday 14.5.2023
9:00 - 11:30 CET - Session 2
12.00 - 13.00 CET - Session 3
The meditation course will be held in croatian/english. It is necessary to follow all sessions. Recordings will be available for a certain time if you want to refresh your knowledge.
Please prepare a flower, fruit, and white handkerchief for the initiation ceremony. You will receive more details after we receive your registration.
If you are following online, please prepare a cushion, warm clothes or blanket, and a notebook to write down details of lectures.
You can reserve your place by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . If you have any personal inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
Payments can be made to the bank account:
IBAN: HR8124020061100748459
Gunduliceva 63
10000 Zagreb
indication: meditation course + name and surname of the student
* You can transfer your course fee over Paypal if it's easier.
* 10% discount for 300-hour and 600-hour students of Pink Elephant Yoga Institute
* if you are currently facing financial challenges, feel free to inform us, and we will do our best to assist you.
Born and raised in Italy, Marco dedicated his life to the wisdom of Yoga by spreading it to people around the world. In 2005 he moved to Croatia where he was invited to teach and soon afterwards he developed the first Croatian teacher training program in Nava studio according to the high international standards of the European Yoga Federation, Yoga Alliance, and International Yoga Federation. In 2012, he opened the well known yoga place Pink Elephant Yoga House and, together with his wife, created a new program for yoga teachers called Pink Elephant Yoga Institute as well as a three-year program called School of Consciousness dedicated to the practice of yogic philosophy. Today he lives in Zagreb, taking care of different schools and programs dedicated to yogic education in Croatia and Italy. He is the advisor for Croatia at the European Yoga Council, delegate of the European Yoga Federation, and international advisor of the World Yoga Council.
He met eastern philosophies very young in the late ’80s through Buddhist meditation. Since then, in his rich life experience, he has had the opportunity to meet and work with many great teachers of many different traditions, such as Iyengar Yoga, Shivananda Yoga, and Ashtanga Yoga. In the nineties, he received his education in yoga from Carlo Patrian, the teacher who, after spending many years in India in contact with the most renowned yoga teachers of the 19th and 20th centuries, was the first person who brought yoga to Italy in the ’60s. Besides Marco's excellent knowledge of the asana practice and anatomy of the human body, he is a passionate meditator, Mantra meditation teacher to many students and yoga teachers, and a philosophy scholar in the field of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
Petra grew up in a yogic environment in Zagreb, as her parents practiced and taught yoga in the eighties. In 2001, when she was working worldwide as a successful professional model, yoga became her daily practice, helping her to balance worldly life in the fashion industry and her intimate nature of yearning for connection from within. Very soon, she understood the yogic path was her life calling and enrolled in a teacher training program in Rishikesh with Kamal Singh and Sunil Sharma and started teaching the Ashtanga method daily. In 2012, with her husband Marco, she opened the Pink Elephant Yoga House, a well-known house for Yoga in Croatia, and developed 300 hours and 600 hours teacher training program taught in Zagreb, Rijeka, and worldwide.
Petra is a passionate meditator and certified Mantra meditation teacher very grateful to her guide Ananda Vdovic, a well-known meditation teacher, painter, and musician, for guiding her on the path of self-discovery since she was a teenager. Her interest in yogic philosophy brought her to study with Dr.Rajani Pradhan, with whom she is studying Sanskrit, particularly the chanting of Patanjali Yoga Sutras. She is currently dedicated to a Wellness Coaching Program specializing in feminine form healing arts, particularly Ayurveda and Tantra, folk herbology, contemporary neuroscience, somatic psychology, and functional medicine.
Her intense passion for breath work brought her to study under the guidance and tradition of O.P. Tiwari, one of the few living masters in India teaching pranayama practice in a traditional way. With his blessing, guidance, and extensive yearly education in the pranayama teacher training program at Kaivalydhama Yoga Institute of India, in 2015, she became Croatia's first registered pranayama teacher. Besides pranayama, she is studying the Ashtanga system with Eddie Stern.
Besides teaching, Petra is a newborn mum, yoga conference organizer, and sociologist by profession who loves to share her energy with people around the globe. Today her way of teaching is mainly oriented toward classical pranayama and different aspect of working with Prana Shakti. In teaching Ashtanga and therapeutic Hatha yoga, she works a lot with mindful hands-on adjustments and energy transfer, breath, and bandha work by focusing students' attention on their personal experiences and discoveries.
A weekly meditation development program for meditators, yoga practitioners, astrologers, those with a keen interest in astrology, and any enthusiast who would like to use meditation to expand consciousness and receive knowledge from within.
Feel free to join for selected meditations or the complete program.
The solar system's nine planets make an amazing ensemble of balance, grace, and beauty - a perpetual dance around the Sun that always has interested human beings and influenced life on Earth. We can recognize and observe the planets in the sky, but most of us are unaware of their importance in the cycles of nature.
The five planets closest to Earth are visible to the naked eye, and that's why they were observed, studied, and respected from the dawn of men. But all the nine planets were already known thousands of years ago. Ancient cultures attributed them some special powers, and they were associated with gods of which they still bear the name. Astrology studies their influence on our character. Jyotish, the Vedic astrology also related to yoga, studies precisely the position of the planets in space at the moment of birth and its influence on a person's physical and psychological constitution.
Each week, you will experience a guided meditation to gain direct experience and understanding of each planet. Direct experience of each planetary energy will serve you to solve old patterns, heal forgotten wounds, and expand your consciousness.
Expanding consciousness means having a broader view of our existence, being able to perceive more, be more creative, receptive, and focused on our life purpose.
It is like seeing beautiful Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tour instead of seeing it from the ground. Meditation is our lift to the top of the Eiffel tour of our life.
This program is suitable for the following:
For those who would like to develop meditative skills to attune to the highest qualities of each planet
For those who want to understand better the role of each planet in their life
For those who would like to experience the harmony of the planetary energies within their being
For those who want to tap into the most harmonious planetary qualities in their daily life
For those who would like to understand their astrology chart better by simply learning the language of astrology not from the books but from their own experience
A short lecture precedes every meditation and will prepare our rational minds to be relaxed and let the process happen without interference.
All the meditations will be recorded, so you can use them whenever you need. You will have a lifetime access to this program. Repeated application of each meditation is a valuable and powerful tool that encourages a natural harmony of the planetary energies within your being. It helps you solve and heal different aspects of your physical and psychological life.
The course is divided into two parts. The first part includes Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, and Mars. The second part includes Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
The program occurs once a week, online, Thursdays from 20.45-22.00 CET time. All classes will be recorded and available for you to watch afterward.
15 June 2023
Mercury is connected with our ground structure, the bones. It is also related to significant events in our past, something that might have affected our health, deep feelings, or emotions. This meditation helps heal or keep our bone system healthy and leads us to recall past events to restore lost balance safely.
22 June 2023
Venus is related to our heart and circular system. On a subtle plan, Venus is connected with relationships, especially those that contain deep emotions. After a profound relaxation, we will heal and balance our hearts and relationships.
29 June 2023
Our planet is related to the air, the breathing system, and the force of gravity. All of them are fundamental to our life. The Breath is our life force, and we often use conscious breathing to restore balance and re-center. Staying centered is also a matter of balance, and balance is related to gravity. Through the force of gravity and the power of the Earth, in this specific meditation, we will find stable grounding and perfect balance to make the best decisions and choices in life.
6 July 2023
We will balance our endocrine/hormonal system with the moon's energy. The endocrine system releases different hormones in the blood when we feel different emotions. By balancing it, we can balance our emotions, especially fear. Sometimes fear can save our life, but very often, fear is the cause of inappropriate and unbalancing behavior in life. Lies are based on fear, and in this meditation, we will discover and resolve different fears hidden behind our habit of lying. "This is one small step for man but a giant leap for mankind."
13 July 2023
The energy of Mars is in connection with our muscular system. In this meditation, by properly channeling this energy, we will work on the sense of guilt and transform what we have considered a failure into a success. This work can help change preconceptions, habits, and rigid attitudes that prevent our inner growth.
28 September 2023
The center of the body is in our belly. Many traditions consider the belly the source of our power. It is also known as the alternate brain or the source of pure ideas and intuition. The energy of Jupiter is connected with the center of the body and with the power that resides in our belly. Through this meditation, we will heal any unbalance in the belly area and experience the creation of pure ideas.
05 October 2023
The energy of Saturn is considered one of the most potent energies of the cosmos. As with any potent energy, it has to be handled with care. We will connect with this energy through deep relaxation and melt deep fears that are still conditioning our behavior.
12 October 2023
All the spiritual paths consider that what our eyes can see is only the gross manifestation of our being. In this great meditation, we will experience the perception of the luminous body of ourselves and others to be aware of how we can effectively use our life's energy.
19 October 2023
Everyone knows how powerful words are and how we can constructively or destructively use them. However, some words have an innate power and, when pronounced, even mentally, can produce profound benefits. With Neptune's energy, we will discover one of these magic words and use it for our good.
26 October 2023
Ancient culture knew Pluto and its position in the solar system much before its official discovery in 1930. Pluto is ambiguously considered. Sometimes the scientific community says that it's a planet. Other times, the same community "relegates" it to the class of moons. Its ambiguous position represents very well the ambiguity of humanity itself. Pluto is connected with the collective Consciousness. In this meditation that concludes the cycle, we will be aware of the power of the collective Consciousness during human history and experience the power of our Consciousness.
One session / 35 euro
Set of five sessions / 140 euro
Set of ten sessions / 220 euro
You can reserve your place by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Payments can be made to the account:
IBAN: HR8124020061100748459
ROZI SLON d.o.o.
Gunduliceva 63
10000 Zagreb
indication: planet meditation + name and surname of the student
Born and raised in Italy, Marco dedicated his life to the wisdom of Yoga by spreading it to people around the world. In 2005 he moved to Croatia, where he was invited to teach, and soon afterward, he developed the first Croatian teacher training program in Nava studio according to the high international standards of the European Yoga Federation, Yoga Alliance, and International Yoga Federation. In 2012, he opened the well-known yoga place Pink Elephant Yoga House and, with his wife, created a new program for yoga teachers called Pink Elephant Yoga Institute and a three-year program called School of Consciousness dedicated to the practice of yogic philosophy. Today he lives in Zagreb, taking care of different schools and programs dedicated to yogic education in Croatia and Italy. He is the advisor for Croatia at the European Yoga Council, delegate of the European Yoga Federation, and international advisor of the World Yoga Council.
He met Eastern philosophies very young in the late ’80s through Buddhist meditation. Since then, in his rich life experience, he has had the opportunity to meet and work with many great teachers of many different traditions. Besides Marco's excellent knowledge of the asana practice and anatomy of the human body, he is a passionate meditator, a Vedic meditation teacher and a philosophy scholar in the field of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.